The Mankutter, Fleshripper Rider is a detailed miniature for your fantasy tabletop role-playing and wargames.
It measures approximately:
3.17" x 5.09" x 4.61" in 28mm scale;
3.62" x 5.82" x 5.27" in 32mm;
4.53" x 7.27" x 6.59" in 40mm;
6.11" x 9.81" x 8.89" in 54mm;
8.46" x 13.59" x 12.31" in 75mm;
and 11.32" x 18.17" x 16.46" in 100mm.
Custom print sizes and resolutions are available upon request.
Items are commercially licensed from Archvillain Games, and are part of the 'Old World: Agama Rising' set.