“Despite the shady figures hanging out and the rumors of ghosts and other terrible otherworldly beings, he still went to the graveyard every single day to sit by his wife's resting place.”
The Graveyard Hills are a great set of terrain for your fantasy tabletop role-playing and wargames. There are five separate hills with tombs and caskets that can be positioned in any fashion you desire.
The largest piece measures approximately:
4.5"x3"x1.5" in the 15mm scale;
6"x4"x2" in 20mm;
8.5"x5.75"x2.65" in 28mm;
9.75"x6.5"x3.25" in Heroic 28mm or 32mm;
and 11"x7.5"x3.75" in Heroic 32mm or 37mm scale.
Please note that Printable Scenery's default model size is the Heroic 28mm/32mm scale.
Item comes unpainted in 5 pieces (and 6 in 37mm/Heroic 32mm). All items are printed in non-toxic PLA filament. Item is printed at a high 0.15mm resolution, and with an ultra high 0.1mm resolution used for small pieces, as well as the 15mm and 20mm scale versions. As with all 3D prints, some finishing may be required.
This item is part of Printable Scenery's Shadowfey Wilds campaign. Any of the items from Printablescenery.com can be printed. Feel free to request anything that you see.
Items are commercially licensed from Printable Scenery.
This item takes 1–2 weeks to ship.